December 25, 2013, Christmas Day
I've been thinking about Christmas and what it's all about for a couple of weeks now. It's the most amazing and mysterious thing that God would choose, would freely choose, to put aside all the privileges and glory and beauty-of-Holiness worship that being Lord over all the universe offers, and come down to earth in the form of a human being, a baby no less, to redeem mankind.
I would think that such a transformation would be one of going from complete weightlessness (God is a Spirit) to one of assuming the weight of all humanity in one tiny body. And such a transformation! Not only was it from spiritual weightlessness to physical weight, but He went from having all the attributes of spiritual and heavenly perfection to having all the attributes of physical and earthy imperfection--yet without sin. When Jesus was a baby, and then a child, and then an adult here on earth, he did all the things we humans have to do, whether we want to or not. He had to help his mom with the chores around the house and help her keep his younger brothers and sisters in line, he had to help his father in his carpentry shop, he had to go to the bathroom--however they did it back then. The only thing he didn't do was get married and have sex. If they ate beans when he walked the earth, beans being the fart factories that they are, then he probably farted! I don't intend any irreverence by that. I just mean that Jesus experienced everything, literally everything, humanity did yet without sin. The Bible says that he was tempted in all points the same as we are, yet without sin.
"For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."~~Hebrews 4:15, KJV
That's how he can be such an effective intercessor and High Priest for us, sitting at the Right Hand of the Father. So he understands if we fart (for example) and as a consequence, feel incredibly embarrassed, because he felt the same way. (Don't mind me, guys, I don't mince words around here. This is my blog, so I can write what I want. We all pee, poop, and dare I say it, fart, whether we want to or not, and whether we want to admit it or not. There are those who would say that I could use nicer words, I suppose, but since this is my blog, it's my words. On someone else's blog they can choose the words. It seems to be okay with God, because the King James Bible speaks plainly as well. Check out I Sam 25:22, 34; I Kings 14:10, 16:11, and 21:21; and II Kings 9:8 for examples.)
But I digress.
With all the commercialism that people so quickly embrace every year, it becomes all too easy to completely forget about why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Many people think the real meaning of Christmas is about family, and giving instead of receiving, and while those things are important, they only hint at its true significance. The real gift is much more specific: it's God's gift of Jesus Christ, sent to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, to save humanity from their sins. There is no better gift a person can receive, because it has eternal consequences, than Jesus Christ. All that's needed is to accept it by faith.
So I don't know if what I've written here makes much sense. I guess it's more train-of-thought writing than anything else, about how I see Christmas. I think I'm making progress. I'm not feeling quite as negative about it this year as I have in years past, so I'd say that healing is occurring.
God is good ALL the time!