My desire for this blog has always been that it be a place for me to write about my thoughts and feelings as I experience them, whether they be with regard to the present or the past, or the future for that matter, and for me to be able to write here often, hopefully everyday.
It's so frustrating to me that I can't seem to pull that off. I'm doing good if I can write here once every few months. I don't know why that is. Back when I was multiple I had an alter named Secret whose job it was to make sure that the rest of us never told anyone what was happening to us ~ never exposed the secrets of the cult abuse ~ or even that there was any cult abuse, never mentioned anything about Harry's abuse, never revealed the fact that I was abused by my mother as well.
Now that I'm no longer multiple and Secret has been integrated and is a part of the whole that is me, I've done all the things she tried to keep me from doing. I've revealed all those horrific secrets and exposed them for what they are ~ lies from the Enemy. I mean, they really happened to me and they were appalling and shocking, but their purpose was to pervert my understanding of God and to make me believe that He could never love me and would never receive me as His child. I don't know why they would expend so much energy and effort on one child, but in point of fact they did. But it didn't work.
It didn't work! God's grace and mercy triumphed over Satan's evil designs, and for that I am forever grateful to God.
So, this day after Christmas, this is what I want to say: