Why is it that I find it so hard to write? When I was multiple I had, amongst others, two alters. One was named The Secretary, and her job was to write about the goings-on of our system--to basically keep a journal about us. But there was another alter named Secret who's job it was to keep everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, about our life/lives a secret from everyone, including me. The problem with that is, the abuse isn't happening anymore. No abuse! There hasn't been any abuse since I was about twenty-one.
So we, actually I, because we got integrated into I way back in 2003, no longer have to keep things secret. So what's the need now? What is keeping me from writing now; what's keeping my words locked inside? And what is keeping my creative juices from flowing as far as art and crafting and music are concerned? Because I can't do any of those things either. Jeff is praying for me about these things during our sessions, and his prayers are having at least some success: I'm able to write here for the first time in over a year. Plus I have a idea for a way to keep me writing consistently and often, but I won't go into that now.
This is something that has bothered and hindered me for a long time, years even, so I'm going to keep exploring the reasons behind it until I'm able to fully express myself in all the ways God has given me to do so.
Enough of that for now. On to other things.
I read Romans Ten today. It was wonderful, as is the whole Book of Romans. The verse that stuck out the most to me was Romans 10:17, "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."~~ESV.
I've always loved this verse, but there's something about it that I've never understood: what is the purpose of repeating the word, "hearing"? That's always been a puzzle to me. I've heard it taught that the reason for the repetition is for emphasis--so emphasis on hearing? It still doesn't make sense to me, though maybe it does a little. Maybe it's about hearing the word of Christ over and over again.
Other Bible translations provide some help:
The New Living Translation says, "So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ."
The New International Version says, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."
Then as I was reading, the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4 and Luke 8 came to mind (Thank you, Holy Spirit!!). Jesus says that this parable is the most basic of all the parables, that if we don't understand this parable then we won't understand any of the parables (Mark 4:13). It turns out that the Parable of the Sower is all about hearing the Word of God, and the different ways someone can hear God's Word. The parable compares people to various kinds of soil, with the Word being the seed being planted therein.
So the upshot of it is, I need to practice being a better hearer of God's Word, and the first step forward in this endeavor is to get myself onto a consistent reading plan.
Onward and upward!!